Annual Report

That Is The Question We Explored In This Year’s Annual Report…

Message from the Office of the President

Cultivating a Culture of

Within the extraordinary research environment fostered by Koç University, complemented by our highly skilled and distinguished faculty’s commitment to interdisciplinary studies, our faculty members and researchers have achieved exceptional success this year.
They have been honored with prestigious national and international awards and have procured substantial grants from renowned institutions.



graduate schools


undergraduate programs


master’s programs


Ph.D. programs


research centers

What Is An Ideal University?

That Is The Question We Explored
In This Year’s Annual Report…

Since its establishment 30 years Ago, koç university has pursued an Answer to this question. Building an Ideal university involves more than Just a single solution—it requires Commitment, diligence, and care In every effort spent toward this Purpose. Here are some insights into How an ideal university is a place that Fosters creativity and innovation, Where students can learn and grow In a supportive and challenging Environment. Koç university has A world-class faculty who are Passionate about teaching and Research. It is more than just a place To learn; it is also a place to grow and Develop as a person.

Fostering a Rendezvous Between Generations

The ideal university is an academic institution that creates and maintains the freest environment in which meticulously recruited faculty and students can roam freely to do whatever they choose within reason of the legalities and bureaucracies involved.

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The Journey of Selfdiscovery

Universities prioritizing a culture of ongoing learning in every interaction are optimally positioned to nurture an environment that values free expression, diversity, and selfdiscovery.

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Pioneering New Research Areas

A top priority of an ideal university is initiating new research areas and paving the way for cutting-edge research. Koç University has always worked toward becoming an ideal academic institution that unlocks and explores such areas.

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Building a Sustainable Research Ecosystem

Driving the momentum achieved in research forward with 30 years of experience as a leading institution of higher education, Koç University continues to introduce key initiatives to ensure the continuity and applicability of the research conducted by its world-class faculty and researchers.

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Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye Encouragement Award


METU Parlar Foundation Research Encouragement Award


Science Academy Young Scientist Awards


IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer of 2022-2023

The previous academic year was yet another successful period for Koç University faculty members in terms of awards given by national and international institutions for their accomplishments.

*The above-mentioned list contains awards received in the first three months of 2023.

At A Glance


Full-Time Faculty

0 +

partner universities

0 %

of graduate students received scholarship support

0 %

of the students are double major graduates

2 0 2 2 / 2 0 2 3


ERC Starting Grant


Horizon Europe Framework Programme

Volkswagen Foundation

The Volkswagen Foundation


ERC Proof of Concept

Canadian Institute

The Canadian Institute of Health Research


TEYDEB 1711 Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem Call

As one of the leading research universities in our country, Koç University continues to strive for excellence, placing particular importance on scientific education and research. Faculty members are recognized nationally and internationally for their research capabilities and receive significant grants from prestigious institutions such as the European Research Council (ERC) and Horizon Europe Framework Programme, for projects in a variety of fields.